


                     Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the essential micronutrients required for the proper functioning of the body, normal immune function and for the growth and development of bones and teeth.


It is true that a nutritious and balanced diet plays a major role in maintaining one's health. Experts say that one of the most common causes of chronic diseases and obesity is malnutrition and poor eating habits

We need the vitamins and minerals our immune system needs to function properly. Protects the body against diseases and immune deficiency problems.



Vitamin D deficiency is associated with diabetes, heart disease, weight gain, neuromuscular diseases, fever, osteoporosis, and cancer.


 Vitamin D is also called sunlight vitamin because it is produced naturally in the skin to get it from sunlight.

However, some foods can help maintain adequate levels of fat-soluble vitamin D in the body.

Mushrooms: Mushrooms are one of the most powerful sources of vitamins D2, D3 and D4.. Include mushrooms in your diet at least four times a week to meet your body's vitamin D needs.


Cow's milk: Pasteurized cow's milk generally contains vitamin D. However, brand size varies from brand to brand. Most milk producers voluntarily change the micronutrients during milk processing to make the product more nutritious. Although milk does not naturally contain vitamin D, it is rich in calcium. Thus, the two nutrients together work better to strengthen bones as they have better calcium. Drinking a glass of pasteurized milk daily can help prevent bone related disorders and keep the body healthy.

Cheese: Cheese is one of the most sought after foods in the world and is rich in Vitamin D. However, cheese is high in fat, so be sure to keep a small amount of food to maintain the optimal balance of nutrients. For maximum health benefits, you can also opt for low-fat cheese.

Concentrated Yogurt: Yogurt is an easy and convenient snack that is good not only for intestinal health but also for bones. Consumption of fortified yogurt can help meet the daily requirement of 10-20% of vitamin D. However, many yogurts are high in sugar, so check the nutrition label carefully.

Avocado: Avocado is not only rich in antioxidants, minerals, fatty acids and zinc, but also contains vitamin D. If you suffer from heart problems, avoid consuming butter.

Cereals and oats

Many cereals and oat brands add vitamin D to their product. It also helps meet the body's fiber needs.


Eggs are considered to be the best source of vitamin D. Eating two eggs daily will complete 82 percent of your daily recommended vitamin D. Be sure to eat whole eggs, and not just white eggs to maintain vitamin D levels. 

Eggs are rich in immune-boosting nutrients such as protein, zinc and selenium, which boost the immune system and keep the heart healthy.

 Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that contains vitamins D1, D2 and D3. When your skin is exposed to direct sunlight, your body naturally produces vitamin D. To make sure you have enough vitamin D in your blood, you can get it through certain foods and supplements. Getting enough vitamin D is important for the normal growth and development of bones and teeth, as well as improving resistance to certain diseases. There are many myths associated with vitamin D, which is why many people overdose on it, leading to a condition called vitamin D toxicity. Excess vitamin D intake also affects the kidneys. Therefore, it is important to know about the benefits of vitamin D and the risks involved. In this post we will look at the many myths surrounding vitamin D and the facts associated with them. 

 The more vitamin D we take, the better This is completely wrong. Vitamin D is a good example of the poisoning of nectar in excess. Adults aged 19 to 70 should consume 15 mcg (600 IU), and those over 71 should consume 20 mcg (600 IU) (or 800 IU). For 9 year olds and above, the daily limit is 4,000 IU, check the IU in the bottle when choosing a supplement. Ideally, you should have a blood test done by your doctor first to determine if you need a supplement. Excessive amounts of vitamin D can lead to toxicity. It affects the normal functioning of the kidneys. Is there pain in all these places in your body ... it is not a sign of diabetes ... beware!

 Getting enough vitamin D from food is easy This is a very common myth about vitamin D. It is not possible to meet your vitamin D needs through diet alone, but fortified foods such as eggs, cedar cheese, milk and whole grains, and portobello mushrooms are the most common of the vitamin D diets. These foods provide only a small portion of the recommended daily amounts of vitamin D. 

 Weight loss will be followed by vitamin D supplementation There is no scientific evidence to substantiate this claim. Although there is a link between obesity and vitamin D deficiency, there is no scientific evidence that taking a vitamin D supplement can help you lose weight, according to the U.S. National Institutes of Health. Did you know that these 5 herbs that are always in your home can help you lose weight?

 The role of the sun in the production of vitamin D is very small There is a reason why it is called the "sunshine vitamin". According to Harvard Health Publishing, UV B light from the sun converts a chemical in your skin into vitamin D3. However, wear sunscreen with at least SPF 15 and protective clothing to avoid excessive sunlight, which increases the chances of skin cancer and wrinkles according to national health agencies.

 Vitamin D deficiency is not associated with depression Vitamin D plays a role in the synthesis of serotonin. Low vitamin D levels have been linked to mood disorders, according to research. There are various causes for depression, but low vitamin D levels may be one of them. Increasing your vitamin D levels to the normal range may help. However, there are problems with the connection. 

Vitamin D plays a small role in supporting the immune system You need to make sure you are getting enough vitamin D to keep your immune system in check. According to research, Vitamin D can help prevent or reduce the severity of respiratory infections, especially if you are deficient. Foreign pathogens, such as viruses, are detected and destroyed by D cells. As a result, vitamin D is important for maintaining a healthy immune system capable of fighting off foreign pathogens. 

Vitamin D has nothing to do with blood sugar If you are trying to prevent or manage type 2 diabetes, it is time to check your vitamin D levels with your doctor. According to a study, a vitamin D supplement for six months improves insulin sensitivity in people at risk for type 2 diabetes and those recently diagnosed. According to researchers, a vitamin D supplement can help prevent type 2 diabetes or slow the progression of the disease.

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