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By making these simple and easy lifestyle changes you can get rid of or reduce gas harassment. 1. Eat and drink slowly - Drinking and eating too fast can cause you to swallow air. Thus causing gas. Do not forget to chew the food well. 2. Reduce portion size - Many gas-inducing foods are part of a healthy diet. It may be a good idea to take small portions of problematic foods to see if your body can benefit from creating too much gas. 3. Exercise - Physical activity always helps to expel gases through the digestive tract. There are some effective yoga  which help in immediate release of gas. 4. Defecation - Stimulation of bowel movements accelerates the movement of the muscles in the large intestine to allow gas to escape. This pushes out the stored dust to expel complex intestinal gas. 5. Warm up your stomach - Using a hot bag can be very helpful in reducing gas. This will help to relax the muscles, reduce pain and release gas. You can even sit in a hot tub. 6. Long and deep breaths - Deep, diaphragmatic breaths help ease the pain and relax the abdominal muscles. It provides gas relief by reducing stress. 7. Drinking water at the right time - When you drink water along with your food, you weaken the acids in the stomach. It slows down the digestive process of food. Remember to go and drink water 30 minutes before or after a meal so as not to impair digestion. 8. Eat in the correct order - Our bodies naturallygenerate hydrochloric acid. Protein HCl is broken down when you start eating. If you start your diet with carbohydrates, you can use all the HCl before eating protein. 9. Lie down and relax - If you have gas, lie down with your head up. Relax in this position until you feel better.


Things to avoid: Avoiding some of the following can help reduce the likelihood of gas accumulating in your stomach: 1. Reduce fatty foods. They cause swelling. 2. Foods high in fiber should be avoided temporarily. When you do, take a fiber supplement. 3. Avoid dairy products. 4. Do not attempt to suppress or block the exhaust. Go to an area alone and exit. 5. If you feel gas nuisance, do not chew the chewing gum, suck on the candy, or drink through the suction cup. 6. Do not smoke.



Home Remedies for Gas: Let’s look at useful solutions on how to eliminate gas nuisance.


Apple cider vinegar Ingredients required: 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar In hot water A glass vessel Recipe: 1. Mix apple cider vinegar with warm water and cool to room temperature. 2. Drink this to warm your stomach. How to use: If the gas problem is not resolved you can drink another glass of ACV water. How it works: Apple cider vinegar provides quick and effective relief from many ailments, especially indigestion and other digestive system related problems. It restores the acid balance in the stomach and prevents the growth of harmful bacteria in the gut.


Tea (a) Peppermint tea Ingredients required: A little peppermint leaves A cup of boiling water 1 teaspoon honey Recipe: 1. Add peppermint leaves to hot water. Soak for a while and then strain 2. For this, add 1 teaspoon of honey and your peppermint tea is ready to drink. How to use: Drink a few times a day How it works: Peppermint leaves, amazing herb, known worldwide for its medicinal properties. It is rich in flavonoids and has  strong antimicrobial and antioxidant activities It reduces stomach irritation and relieves digestive problems.


Chamomile tea Ingredients required: Chamomile tea bag 1 cup warm water Recipe: 1. In a cup of warm water for 10 minutes. Soak for a while. 2. This hot herbal tea is ready to drink. How to use: Drink two to three cups a day. How it works: Chamomile tea has astringent and anesthetic properties. It is the perfect home remedy for stress induced digestive problems. Helps to reduce hernia, flatulence, diarrhea, chronic heartburn, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and motion sickness.


Green tea tea Ingredients required: Green tea leaves or tea bag 1 cup warm water Recipe: 1. Add green tea leaves or tea in hot water for a few minutes. Soak. 2. Strain and simmer while still hot. 3. Add smallquantity of lemon and  honey. How to use: Drink three to four cups of green tea daily for a healthy body and mind. How it works: Regular tea is an excellent home remedy for gas relief by ensuring a healthy and properly functioning gastrointestinal system. It has antimicrobial properties and the cats in it eliminate all gastric problems.


Fennel: Ingredients required: 1/2 teaspoon fennel seeds 1 cup warm water Recipe: 1. Soak fennel seeds in warm water for about 10 minutes. 2. Strain and simmer while still hot. 3. You can simply chew a handful of fennel in the mouth for immediate relief. How to use: Drink 3 cups a day How it works: chewing gum seeds after a meal is a popular practice in some areas. They are help to digestion and also function as freshen breath. When consumed in the form of tea, fennel seeds prevent the formation of gas


Baking soda Ingredients required: 1 teaspoon baking soda A glass of water Recipe: 1. Mix the baking soda well with the water. 2. Drink it on an empty stomach, or 1 or 2 hours after a meal. How to use: Drink this method to get complete relief from gas problems. How it works: Baking soda is a natural acid-breaking substance. Drinking this water regulates stomach acids and provides relief from gas. It has antimicrobial properties that facilitate other microbial related digestive problems.


Water This universal fluid is the solution to many health problems. It is important to keep your body hydrated by drinking water. This makes digestion easier and faster. Drink 10-12 glasses of water daily.


Ginger Ingredients required: 1 tablespoon freshly ground ginger 1 cup water Recipe: 1. Add water to the ginger and let it boil for a few minutes. 2. Drink when hot. 3. Chew even a small piece of ginger after your meal. This prevents the formation of gas. How to use: Drink two to three cups a day. How it works: Ginger is widely used as a remedy for various ailments, digestive problems and fatigue, common cold and pain relief. It provides quick and effective relief from gas problem caused by germs.


Coconut water Ingredients required: Coconut water / young water Recipe: Drink fresh coconut water twice daily. How to use: Coconut water is usually recommended for drinking. How it works: Coconut water enhances digestion and removes harmful toxins from the body. It releases gas in the gastrointestinal tract.


Yogurt Ingredients required: Fresh yogurt Recipe: Eat one cup of yogurt two / three times a day. How to use: Do this for a few days. How it works: Yogurt helps establish a balance between good and bad bacteria in your gut. Friendly bacteria, also known as probiotics, help boost the immune system and promote a healthy digestive tract. Breaks down milk sugars from dairy products and eliminates gas problems.


Garlic Ingredients required:  Some cloves of garlic Vegetable or chicken juice Recipe: 1. Chop the garlic cloves and add to the broth .it s need for few minuets let  to boil.2. Drink this soup while hot. How to use: Drink garlic soup twice or thrice a day. How it works: Garlic stimulates the gastrointestinal tract and helps relieve gas and bloating. You can always have garlic supplements, but fresh garlic is very effective in curing inflammation.


Lemon Ingredients required: 1 lemon Hot 1 cup water Recipe: 1. Squeeze lemon juice and add to hot water. 2. Drink this water when it is hot. How to use: Drink two / three cups of this juice a day. How it works: Lemon juice stimulates the bile secretion of the liver, thus aiding and improving digestion


Cumin Ingredients required: 1-2 tablespoons of cumin seeds Hot water Recipe: 1. Soak the cumin in hot water for a few minutes and then drain the water. 2. Drink this water daily if it gets cold. 3. Chew a handful of cumin after a meal to aid digestion How to use: Take this water two or three times a day. How it works: Cumin seeds are the best natural solution to the gas problem. It secretes saliva by stimulating saliva. It has a soothing effect on the gastric veins and heals ulcers caused by the secretion of stomach acids. Now you know about effective home remedies for gas relief. You can identify whether you want to use them or not.


Symptoms The most important times are the obvious avoidance of gas and the gas in the stomach can be very painful. Symptoms of gas in the digestive tract include: Bad breath Flatulence Abdominal swelling Lack of appetite Beep and tongue coating Nausea, vomiting, and / or diarrhea Time to consult a doctor: Exhalation between 10 and 20 times daily is very normal. However, consult your doctor if you have any of the following problems with your regular bot gas: 1. Chronic abdominal pain 2. Bloody stool 3. Change in stool color or defecation interval 4. Weight loss 5. Chest pain 6. Persistent or recurrent nausea or vomiting Make a note of your symptoms before you see a doctor. Make a list of the questions you want your doctor to ask you. In this condition it causes a social embarrassment, rather than a major medical concern. It can be painful at times. Fortunately, gas can be treated with easy home remedies. Use one of the natural remedies listed above. Get relief from your gas problems. There is video with the first three solutions.

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