


Eat plenty of guava

1. Gives radiance and beauty to the face

2. Eliminates the appearance of ageing and gives a youthful appearance.

3. Heals ulcers in the liver and spleen

4. The lungs of smokers are most affected. If they eat guava they can get rid of lung diseases and get well.

5. Guava fruit regulates (80% to 70%) blood clots and blood flow in the bloodstream but it will not remove completely. Nearly 5% to 10% of blockages can be removed.

6. Guava gives immunity and cures digestive disorders.

7. Guava removes the desire to drink and therefore supports alcohol addicts to quit the habit. 

9. Guava cures ulcers 

10. A decoction made from guava leaves cures  cough, sore throat and heart disease.

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