

Gooseberry is more powerful than Apple

         Gooseberry is more powerful than Apple

             Gooseberry has the power to control diabetes.

Gooseberry has the power to control diabetes. Gooseberry contains 600 mg of vitamin C. Gooseberry contains 600 mg of vitamin C, which is higher than any other type of vegetable or fruit. Contains 50 mg of calcium, 20 mg of phosphorus and 1.2 mg of iron. It is more powerful than apple fruit. It stimulates the liver to function well and helps to expel wastes. Prevents the growth of gray hair, without shedding hair. Increases digestive power and helps our body absorb minerals. Gives clarity to the eyes. Strengthens the lungs and helps control respiratory diseases.Works to stimulate the nervous system. Refreshes brain cells. This leads to clarity of mind, intelligence and memory.

Gooseberry has the ability to strengthen the muscles without adding weight. It has the power to control diabetes and is rich in Vitamin C which acts as an immune system.

 Dried gooseberries can be used in times when gooseberries are not available. Its power doesn't diminish after drying. Anyone of any age can eat this. Giving gooseberry legume a day to children will help develop better immunity, brain development and intelligence. Ayurvedic medicine is made from gooseberry.

Benefits of drinking gooseberry juice regularly !!

Benefits of drinking gooseberry juice regularly !!

Vitamin C in fruits are easily digested because it is soluble in water and heat. Vitamin C is depleted when they dry out.

It can cure urinary tract infections, gastroenteritis, urinary tract infections, diabetes, stomach irritation, etc., and quench thirst.

Take the balm from gooseberry and apply it on the scalp to cool the scalp, eyes, ears, nose, brain and nervous system.

A mixture of pure honey with gooseberry and rose petals is called 'Kulkandu'. This is eaten by pregnant women and the baby will be born with beauty and health.

Gooseberry works as a remedy for mouth ulcers and sore throats. Drinking gooseberry juice regularly for persistent runny nose will gradually reduce the runny nose.

People with heart failure, high blood pressure and heart attack can boldly eat gooseberry at the rate of one daily. Gooseberry is very good for anorexia, stomach, intestinal ulcers, skin diseases, measles, ulcers, cloudbursts, diabetes, dehydration etc.

Dipping the bark of the gooseberry in honey will cure the sore. Vomiting and constipation can be cured by using the root of gooseberry. Mixing a little honey with green rhubarb juice, the other clouds will disappear.**

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