


            Protect eyes from the computer

Damage to any organ of the body occurs when there is not enough blood flow or when there is too much work.

To protect the eyes

The eye is the most important organ in the body. Normally we do not see  any damage to the eyes. However, the eye is affected by having to stay  in close  proximity to a computer, which has high radiation for several hours.

1. The eye is the most important organ in the body. Normally no any damage occurs to the eyes when we use it to see. Because of the high radiation of the computer, the eye gets affected by staying very close to it for several hours.

2. Give rest and darkness to the eyes. Not only that, you should also divert the thinking of the mind.

3. Also there is an exercise for the eyes called sciatica. That is if you light a candle in a dark room and keep looking at it, your eyes will get more power.

4. The important thing is to get 8 hours of restful sleep everyday and make sure to sleep in a dark room as it gives a good rest for the eyes.

5. Going to bed early and waking up early in the morning will refresh the body.

6. When your eyes need rest in between working in the office, it is better to press both the palm on your eyes, hold for a while and inhale and exhale.

7. After doing so, take the palms off and spend a little time and slowly open the eyes.

8. Also this can be done in another way which will give more benefits. Place a damp cloth in the back of the neck. Next, apply a little oil on the eyebrows and place both palms to the eyes to cool and relax your eyes.

9. The eyebrow is a natural gift that is set up to keep the heat needed for eyes evenly. The focus of the eyebrows is such that the focus points of the eye can easily shrink and expand. But more than that our eyes are getting heat from the computer. So putting oil on the eyebrows to reduce the heat and will give coolness to the eyes.

10. It is a good practice to blink often while using the computer.

11. Rather than sitting in front of the computer, immediately after eating during lunch break, it is better to close the eyes and relax for 10 minutes before using the computer. Doing this will also enable you to stay active in the evening as well. 

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