

Foods that improve eyesight

                  Foods that improve eyesight 

1. Wild Rose Tea
It contains vitamins A, B1, B2, C, K, E, iron, manganese, sodium, and calcium that give elasticity to the eyes as they contract and expand.

2. Coriander leaves

It contains all the vitamins like vitamins A, B, C, E, iron, zinc, lutein etc. to get rid of the damage caused by dust in the eyes.

3. Carrot

This is something that everyone knows. Vitamin A and beta-carotene in carrots help keep your eyesight healthy.

4. Broccoli

Broccoli corrects vision problems caused by pressure on the eyes due to excessive light. It is rich in nutrients like Vitamin B, Lutein, and GENTAX.

5. Fish

Among the fish, especially, kala fish, catfish can correct vision problems after ageing.

6. Avocado or Butter Fruit

All the nutrients that increase eyesight ie vitamins B, C, E

Avocado contains lutein and beta - carotene .

Anti-oxid ants and rhodopsin nutrients in this will create new cells in the body, increase blood flow and improve your eyesight.

Wash your eyes

After waking up in the morning, sprinkle water well on the eyes and clean the eyes well 3-4 times. Fill the mouth with plenty of water and then wash the eyes thoroughly with cool water. Due to this, the eyes will be well widened. Then, an eye wash cup, easily available at optical stores Buy it. Fill this cup with 15 drops of rose water, then fill this cup with water and use this cup with your eyes open. Hold the cup tightly so that the water does not come out and lift the head up. Roll the eyes. Rose water cleans the surface of the eyes well Roll your eyes. Leave for a minute, change the water and clean the next eye in this way. Very helpful in curing eye infections.  Also, it reduces the pressure in the eyes and gives good cooling to the eyes.

Give your eyes a rest

Taking breaks to rest your eyes is important for maintaining eye health, especially when working on screens for extended time working periods. Rubbing your hands together and placing them gently over closed eyes can provide a soothing effect and promote relaxation. Pressing acupressure points on the hands, such as between the thumb and index finger, may help relieve eye strain. Additionally, rinsing your eyes with water after using the restroom can provide a refreshing sensation. These methods can contribute to maintaining eye health and comfort and reducing eye fatigue throughout the day working strain. 

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