

Some ways to reduce blood pressure!

           Some ways to reduce blood pressure! 

High Blood Pressure Day is observed on 17th May every year. The number of people suffering from high blood pressure is increasing day by day. Only if the blood flow in the body is smooth, the body will function smoothly. That's why when you consult a doctor for fever - blood pressure is also checked in the body.

It must be said that people are so far behind that they don't fully understand the disease of high blood pressure.

It must be said that many people don't have enough awareness about the need to control this disease or the importance of proper medical treatment. Only a small percentage of high blood pressure patients follow proper medication and diet to keep it under control.

Blood pressure problem

When a person suffers from high blood pressure, the amount of fat in the body increases. When the fat increases, the arteries of the heart become blocked and they are more likely to cause a heart attack. Many people who die of heart attacks today are unaware of the seriousness of their high blood pressure, doctors say.

When the blood pressure is not controlled, the heartbeat is irregular. The heart rate may be twice the normal heart rate. When these continue, the problem of blood coagulation will occur and they will be dispersed in the bloodstream. The blood that is scattered like that goes to any organ and causes blockage. When it goes to the brain and causes damage, stroke occurs.

As high blood pressure continues to increase, the heart's ventricular wall thickens and the heart's efficiency gradually decreases. Patients with high blood pressure should know that awareness of this disease and treatment to keep it under control is necessary as this can lead to heart failure.

All you have to do

Both men and women nowadays have an increase in this disease. As high blood pressure is often difficult to detect early, it is recommended that everyone over the age of 30 should check their blood pressure every three months.

A person's blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg. If the mercury level is m it is normal. 120 is the systolic pressure. This is the pressure created when the heart contracts and pushes blood around the body. 80 is the diastolic pressure when the heart expands to receive blood from the body pressure. Although these are common, there are differences according to body, weight, and height etc.

World Health Organization 100/70 mg. Blood between 140/90 and m is defined as normal. If the level increases, it is defined as high blood pressure, and if it decreases, it is defined as low blood pressure.

To avoid

If the test confirms that you don't have high blood pressure, you just need to make lifestyle and dietary changes to avoid it.

Care should be taken not to increase the amount of fat in the body. Keep your body weight under control as blood pressure increases with increasing body weight. It is important to maintain a body weight appropriate for your height.

Do exercise for at least 15 minutes every day as a lack of physical activity can also welcome disease.

There is definitely a need for change in the diet. Reduce the amount of salt in the diet. Foods containing fat and triglycerides should be avoided. Processed foods, carbonated soft drinks, and food with added artificial flavours should also be avoided. Quit tobacco smoking and alcohol drinking as much as possible.

Apart from all these, stress should be avoided. If all these are correct, the body can be kept fit even in old age.

To keep under control

If you are diagnosed with high blood pressure, you should not ignore it and should keep it under control. If the blood pressure is confirmed, the cholesterol level should also be checked and kept under control. If the blood pressure is not under control, heart protection should also be checked from time to time. If you have diabetes along with high blood pressure, you must keep both under control.

If you are in the habit of smoking and drinking alcohol, it is better to give it up. Tablets should be taken regularly. Pay more attention to food. Follow a diet that can control blood pressure. Take care not to increase stress.

High blood pressure is not a disease to be ignored, it is a killing disease!

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