

Lung Cancer

                               Lung Cancer

One of the common forms of cancer is lung cancer. Air pollution is a major cause of lung cancer affecting breathing. In particular, air pollution is a major cause of lung cancer in young adults.  

The entire month of November is observed as Lung Cancer Awareness Month. Above 80% of lung cancer cases are affected people by smoking. Also, air pollution, cigarette smoke, radon gas, and genetics are considered to be the causes of lung cancer.

Early detection of lung cancer is difficult because the symptoms of this are passed as a normal respiratory infection. In some cases, there are no any symptoms for the patient. Lung cancer is most often diagnosed after the tumor has grown or the disease has progressed. If detected early, lung cancer is easy to cure. Thus, it is necessary to know the symptoms of lung cancer.

Lung cancer symptoms are:

  • Chronic cough
  • Coughing up blood
  • Shortness of breath
  • Hoarse voice
  • Frequent cold and fever
  • Chest pain
  • Body weight loss
  • Loss of appetite

* Headache

If a lung cancer tumor develops, bone pain in the back, rib and hip areas and jaundice may occur. If the above symptoms appear, consult a doctor immediately.

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