


Solutions for Dandruff 


Dandruff is caused by a type of fungus called Malassezia, which developes on the scalp. Dandruff, which appears as white patches, spoils the beauty of the hair and causes itchiness on the scalp. Dandruff is likely to occur due to oily skin, dry skin, not cleaning the head, and using beauty products on the head.

Dandruff affects everyone from children to adults. Excessive use of shampoo can also cause dandruff. Dandruff is also likely to occur due to autism and immune deficiency.  

One of the leading symptom of dandruff is itchy scalp. Dandruff appears as patches on the head. Some items in your home kitchen have anti - dandruff properties. You can find them here:

Lemon juice : Dip a cotton ball in lemon juice and apply it on the head. Wash it off after some time. The citric acid in lemon helps to remove dandruff.

Coconut Oil : Mix coconut oil with lemon juice and apply it on your scalp.

Neem oil : Mix neem oil with coconut oil and apply. Neem oil has anti - bacterial properties and helps in removing dandruff.

Onion juice : Onion juice is used to kill fungus. However, onion juice can cause hair loss.

Lemon Grass Oil : If you apply lemon juice oil, known as lemon grass oil in English and leave it for some time, then it will wash off dandruff.

Baking soda : Make a paste of baking soda and apply it on your scalp and wash it off after some time. Also remember the excessive use of this can cause dry out the skin.

Gooseberry : Gooseberry juice can be applied to the scalp, or gooseberry powder can be used instead of shampoo.

Egg Yolk : Apply egg yolk on the scalp and leave it for some time and then wash it off.

Aloe vera : Apply aloe vera gel on the scalp and leave it for some time and then wash it off.

Garlic paste : Apply garlic paste on the scalp and leave it for some time and then wash it off.

Fenugreek : Mix two teaspoons of fenugreek with one cup of water and one cup of apple cider vinegar and apply on the scalp.

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