

Benefits of eating honey

                     Benefits of eating honey

Nature has given us many wonderful gifts. Honey is one of them. It has excellent medicinal properties and can cure many diseases. Honey is generally said to be the 'stomach's friend'. 70 types of vitamins are contained in pure honey. Honey contains countless nutrients naturally.

The honey collected from the trees in the mountains has herbal medicinal properties and when given along with medicinal products,  the medicine is absorbed in the digestive tract. Due to this, the medicine starts working quickly in the bloodstream. 

1. Promotes quick digestion also removes digestive problems and relieves constipation.

2. If children drink honey daily, the amount of calcium and magnesium will increase and they will get good strength.

3. Honey can also be used for eye diseases and skin diseases. Drinking honey mixed with onion juice will brighten the eyes.

4. Mix lemon juice with warm hot water and honey and drink it to cure diseases and vomiting, nausea, cold and headache. 

5. Glucose content in honey makes the small blood vessels expand steadily and improves blood flow. It is protects the heart and prevents it from damages.

6. If you drink honey, eggs and milk mixed, you can avoid getting asthma.

7. Honey is the excellent medicine for joint pain and arthritis. Rub well on the painful area and consume a spoonful of honey daily, it will reduce joint pain.

8. Eating dates soaked in ginger and honey will increase immunity.

9. Honey is an excellent remedy for sleepiness.

10. Eating equal amounts of honey and pomegranate juice daily can cure heart diseases

11. If you eat it with honey and warm hot water , you will have a plump body

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