

which foods increase the chance of breast cancer

which foods increase the chance of breast cancer

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women after skin cancer. In February 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that (IARC) breast cancer overtook lung cancer as the world's most commonly diagnosed cancer, according to statistics released by the International Agency for Research on Cancer in 2020  December. 

According to the Breast Cancer India report, every 4 minutes an Indian woman is diagnosed with breast cancer and every 8 minutes someone dies from breast cancer. Cancers are age, obesity, and other non - modifiable risk factors other than genetic or family history of breast cancer Your lifestyle also plays an important role in increasing or decreasing your risk. Recent research also shows that certain foods can raise your risk of the disease by about 20 per cent.

 What does the study say?

According to French doctors, women who eat an ' unhealthy ' plant-based diet have a higher risk of breast cancer of breast cancer. The study presented online in Nutrition 2022 Live, found that healthy foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes, and ' unhealthy ' carbohydrates Include a comparative analysis of foods such as plant-based foods, white rice, and refined grains including flour.

Doctors who followed 65,000 postmenopausal women over two decades found that those who ate the healthiest foods had a 14% lower risk of breast cancer, while those who consumed ' unhealthy ' plant-based options had a 20 % lower risk of developing the disease.

The role of carbohydrates in the body

Research suggests that reducing certain common carbohydrates may help prevent breast cancer. This includes foods like potatoes and sugar-sweetened beverages and juices. But in the world of nutrition, carbohydrates have a big role to play. Eating fewer carbohydrates can help with overall health While some people believe that, there are those who choose a high-carb diet. That is, carbohydrates play an important role in the human body. It's one of the leading sources of energy, helps protect muscles, improves digestive health, and some types of carbohydrates are good for heart health and diabetes. Helps improve disease. However, why does the corps become unhealthy?

 Unhealthy Vs Healthy Carbohydrates

Regarding carbohydrates, you should note that there are three main types of carbohydrates: sugar, starch, and fiber .

Sugars, also known as simple carbohydrates, are found in common ' unhealthy ' foods such as candy, sweets, processed foods and regular soda.

In starchy food, Starches are complex carbohydrates, which are made by combining many simple sugars together. Your body processes to take starch break down sugar and produce energy.

Finally, fiber is a complex carbohydrate that your body cannot break down, which is why eating high-fiber foods will keep you fuller for longer.

That is, you can divide carbohydrates into ' good ' carbohydrates, which are complex carbohydrates, and ' bad ' carbohydrates, which are simple carbohydrates.

Simple carbohydrates found in soda, candy, colourings, sweets and processed foods should be avoided from your meals as they lead to the risk of many diseases. starchy foods increase the risk of cancer. starchy foods increase the risk of cancer.

In contrast, foods with complex carbohydrates contain important nutrients, including fiber and B vitamins.

Other risk factors of breast cancer

According to WHO, increasing age, obesity, harmful use of alcohol, family history of breast cancer, history of radiation exposure, and reproductive history ( certain factors increase the risk of breast cancer, including age at onset of menstruation and age at first pregnancy ). In addition, lifestyle choices and related interventions can reduce the risk of disease, according to the World Health Organization. They are,

  •  Prolonged breastfeeding
  •  Regular physical activity
  • Weight control
  • Avoiding the harmful effects of alcohol- Avoiding exposure to tobacco smoke
  • Avoiding long-term use of hormones
  • Avoiding excessive radiation exposure
  •  Detect the symptoms of breast cancer in time
  • Some of the most common breast cancer symptoms by WHO are :
  • Breast lump or thickening
  •  Change in breast size, shape or appearance by artificially.
  • Dimpling, redness, pitting or other changes in the skin
  • Abnormal nipple discharge

How to know if there is breast cancer?

First, you can get a breast exam, where your doctor will check your breasts for any lumps or abnormal changes, or you can get a mammogram, an x-ray 

Another way to confirm whether you have breast cancer or not is by getting an ultrasound or biopsy of your breast, which is one of the best ways to confirm your condition.

Healthy lifestyle choices can lower your risk

According to experts, limiting alcohol consumption, maintaining a healthy weight,  losing weight, increasing physical activity, breastfeeding and postmenopausal hormone therapy can reduce the risk of breast cancer. Additionally, women who eat a healthy diet with olive oil and nuts may reduce their risk of breast cancer, according to the Health Organization. Lifestyle choices can lower your risk.*

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