

How to take care of your skin?

                 How to take care of your skin?

There is no doubt that lifestyle habits and genetics can affect your skin. But that doesn't mean you can't get a glowing complexion and great skin. Although many cosmetics are made from natural ingredients, the key to a healthy complexion doesn't come from a bottle. 

There's no denying that cleansers and lotions offer a topical solution. But healthy and hydrated skin starts from within. You will have healthy, glowing skin if you eat the right foods.

Research shows that some food you eat can positively affect the appearance of your skin and complexion ensuring that you never have skin issues and that your face always shines.

The food you eat is digested and enters your bloodstream. It goes into your skin. You can learn about the foods you should eat for healthy skin in this article.


Pumpkin contains alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs). They are commonly found in skincare products. Apart from providing many health benefits, pumpkin penetrates deep into the skin. Vitamin A and vitamin C, which are rich sources of antioxidants, help soften and soothe dry skin. Additionally, pumpkin stimulates collagen production. It prevents the appearance of skin cracks and scales. When we consume pumpkin, zinc helps regulate oil production. Vitamin C also contains carotenoids which can protect the skin against harmful UV rays.

 Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes contain beta-carotene in the body which is converted into vitamin A. Its derivative, retinol, is commonly used in skincare products. By increasing cells, retinol helps reduce wrinkles. Additionally, vitamin A acts as a barrier against discolouration, inflammation and clogged pores.


When applied over to the skin, papaya contains an enzyme called papain. It promotes skin healing and increases collagen secretion. Collagen, the main component of the skin, contributes to the health and elasticity of the skin. Vitamins and minerals in papaya improve skin elasticity, and smoothness and reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles.


Avocados are high in healthy fats. It contributes to the health of many functions of your body, including your skin. Consuming these fatty foods is essential to maintain skin elasticity and hydration. Additionally, avocados can help protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun.

 Fatty fish

Fish such as herring, sardines and salmon are high in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants like vitamin E, which protects the skin from free radical damage and inflammation. In addition to reducing UV damage, eating fatty fish can reduce inflammatory symptoms as the skin is susceptible to UV radiation.

A final note

A proper diet is essential for treating acne, preventing premature ageing, reducing wrinkles, or fighting other skin conditions. Adding some healthy foods to your daily routine can turn off inflammatory genes and give your body the right resources to maintain and build healthy tissue. Researchers have found that consuming healthy foods can help fight against your skin problems.*

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