

turmeric benefits and side effects

turmeric benefits and side effects

Turmeric has countless medical properties but consuming too much of it can cause side effects such as stomachache, diarrhoea, acid reflux, dizziness and headache may occur.

We all know that turmeric has special place in some traditions. Turmeric has been used for centuries for its spiritual and skin benefitsnot just in food, but also in other spices and fragrances. But turmeric should be used within certain limits.

How much turmeric can be consumed per day? Many studies suggest that an individual can consume up to 500 mg of turmeric dailyAlthough it can be as much as 1-grams in some cases as depending on the health condition of an individual, turmeric intake varies.

What happens if you consume too much turmeric? Depending on how much turmeric one is, its effects can vary. Common problems like stomachache, diarrhoea acid reflux, dizziness and headache can occur.

 Long-term consumption of large amounts of turmeric can cause kidney damage and stone formation may occurApplying too much turmeric to the skin does not cause any serious problems other than yellow pigmentation.

Who should it be avoided?

People with gallbladder stone problems, bleeding problems and acid reflux should use less turmeric. Diabetic patients should use turmeric with caution as it lowers blood sugar levels significantly.

 If you are suffering from iron deficiency, you should reduce the consumption of turmeric because turmeric controls the absorption of iron in our bodies.

Helps in weight lossCurcumin, chemical present in turmericcontrols the growth of fat tissue in the bodySimilarlymany studies suggest that it helps in reducing body weightHowever, it should be remembered that consuming too much of it can be dangerous.

Other Benefits of turmericTurmeric is used to relieve problems like flatulencebody heat, aids in digestion, helps reduce joint pain, ensures skin protection and health.

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