

Toxicity in healthy foods to be avoided

                  Toxicity in healthy foods to be avoided

There are so many good foods available for us to consume. But, it is dangerous to think that most of the foods are always good for us  Because these foods sometimes can be evil. 

Now every food we eat has certain chemicals which are harmful to our health. But we are not going to exaggerate all that, in this post, we are going to look at some foods that are highly

If you eat such foods, there is no possibility of dying immediately but our life spans will surely decrease. It should be noted that eating these foods in the wrong way is definitely dangerous.


Tomato is a healthy food but some chemicals in tomatoes are very poisonous. Apart from that, this poison is mostly found in the stems and leaves of tomatoes. Perhaps if we eat its stem or leaf it will surely affect us and eventually could cause death.


Potatoes are the favourite food for many of us. Because it is such a delicious food. Can you believe that even potatoes are dangerous? The stems and leaves of potatoes are highly poisonous.

 Only the tuber part is suitable for eating, but the tuber part cannot be eaten raw as it is full of some kind of poison. If you eat it, the body's energy will decrease little by little and chances are it might even lead to coma.


Many doctors say that cherries are very good for the body. However, you should be very careful when eating cherries because the leaves and seeds of cherry fruits are highly poisonous. So whenever you eat cherries, please do not eat their seeds.


They always say that if you eat an apple daily, it is very healthy, but if you eat the apple seed, your life expectancy will definitely decrease. This is because apple seeds contain a dangerous poison called cyanide, which is life-threatening.


Almonds have many powers that we need. Many of you may think that almonds are a dangerous food item to eat but that isn't true at all.

 If you eat these almonds when they are really bitter, it will definitely have a dangerous effect because it has cyanide in it. Henceforth, whenever you eat almonds, soak them well in water and remove all their skins and then eat them. This completely removes the cyanide poison present in almonds.


There is no doubt that mushroom is a very popular and delicious food. But there are many types of this mushroom available. Naturally, some mushrooms are highly poisonous. 

So choose the right one when you buy and eat mushrooms. Apart from that, it is very good to cook mushrooms immediately after buying them. *

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