

Benefits of Nutrient - riched fiber foods

        Benefits of Nutrient - riched  fiber foods

Have you seen what fiber is, to begin with? We refer to fiber as a form of carbohydrate that the body is unable to digest. Water-soluble fiber and water-insoluble fiber are the two different forms of fiber available. A surplus of water-soluble fiber in the blood aids in lowering and stabilizing blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Water-insoluble fiber regulates the digestive system, maintains a steady flow of food through the body, and prevents from problems like constipation. Because of this, medical professionals advise eating more fiber-rich foods when digestive problems occur.

We'll see the top ten fiber-rich foods in this post, which can provide a number of advantages.


Apples are the best fruit that people of all ages can eat.  2.5 grams of fiber are present in 100 grams of apples. There is a lot of fiber in its skin. So always eat an apple with the peel on

Guava fruit

Guava is one of the fruits high in fiber. 5 grams of fiber are present per 100 grams of ripe guava. When one guava fruit is consumed daily, 25% of the daily fiber requirement is met. Guava fruit has a lot of mineral salts, including vitamins C and A, which are essential for body growth.


They were originally from Southeast Asia, but are now grown all over the world in warm climates.

Bananas come in a variety of hues and shapes.

Pectin, a type of fiber that gives banana flesh its spongy structural structure, is abundant in bananas.

Resistant starch, which functions like soluble fiber and avoids digestion, is present in unripe bananas.

Pectin and resistant starch both have the ability to control blood sugar levels after meals and decrease hunger by delaying stomach emptying.

The Cavendish variety of dessert banana is the most popular. When unripe, it is green; as it matures, it turns yellow.

In addition to many antioxidants, bananas also provide a considerable amount of fiber.

Bananas also contain a significant amount of potassium. It supports blood pressure maintenance.

Chickpeas and green peas

Green peas contain 17 grams of fiber per 100 grams, making them high in fiber. It provides 68% of the daily recommended amount fiber intake. You can consume it by mixing it into cooked food.

Black gram, unpeeled green lentils

Lentils provide 16 grams of fiber per 100 grams. In addition, it contains a lot of protein and iron. Both of these can be included in your everyday diet. If you notice green or black gram, you should use both of these crops without removing the upper skin.


Beets have a lot of fiber. Fiber not only keeps your digestive system regular, but it also lowers cholesterol and helps control blood sugar. 3.4 grams of fiber are present in one cup of beets. (The American Heart Association advises consuming 25 grams of fiber each day.)


100 grams of almond paste contains 13.3 grams of fiber. It is very good to soak a handful of almonds in water on the first day and eat them the next morning.

Basil seeds

100 grams of basil seeds contain a very high amount of 34.4 grams of fiber. A spoonful of basil seeds soaked in water and eaten daily is sufficient. Basil seeds  can be taken in water or fruit juice.

It not only prevents constipation but also reduces body heat.*

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