

7 types of diseases that can be caused by worry

 7 types of diseases that can be caused by worry

Hello friends, there can be no person in this world who is not worried. Everyone who is born as a human has some anxiety in life. In general, we are suffering from some kind of anxiety like anxiety due to the desire to earn more money in life, excessive work, ill health, dissatisfaction with some people and regarding the future.

But in some people's lives, anxiety has become a serial story. When you worry too much every day, it can cause not only mental diseases but also physical diseases.

 So today in this post, we will see what are the seven dangerous diseases that can be caused by worrying too much every day. So read this post completely.

 Cardiovascular diseases

Our heart is the organ that determines the overall health of the body. When we continuously worry too much, the body secretes a stress hormone called cortisol, which causes an irregular heartbeat. 

This results in weakening of the heart and high blood pressure, resulting in heart valve contraction and heart block. Apart from that, they say that hearing shocking incidents can also lead to heart attacks. So it is very important for cardiac patients to be more careful about anxiety.

Skin diseases

Anxiety can cause skin diseases. As inner beauty is visible on the face, when we worry too much, it can easily cause skin-related problems.

 Due to the change in hormones in the body when you are worried, the blood flow to the skin decreases and it also causes problems like facial wrinkles and dark circles. Besides it increases oil secretion in the skin and leads to acne breakouts. Therefore, anxiety is also a cause of acne breakouts.

 Digestive disorders

Generally, people who suffer from stress, also suffer from digestive problems such as heartburn, indigestion and frequent belching. Also, anxiety is one of the causes of stomach problems such as irritable bowel syndrome which can be called IBS.


Excessive anxiety can easily lead to insomnia. Various thoughts that occur in the mind during the day are evoked as memories at night. Due to this, many people suffer from insomnia.


Especially those who are worried due to heavy workload will have headache related problems. Eventually, this anxiety affects the nerves in the corners of the brain and causes diseases like memory loss. Apart from that, too much worry can lead to problems like watery head and migraines.

Weight gain

If you look at some people, you can observe that the lower abdomen and thighs are thickened. It is said that anxiety is also an important reason for this.

 Due to the hormonal changes that can occur in people who are constantly stressed, the production of cholesterol in the body increases and this leads to weight gain in such a short period of time. As a result, they suffer from problems like obesity.

Mental illness

If you see people who worry too much continuously, they suffer from a disease like chronic stress disease. 

Anxiety also causes emotional changes in the body. For example, they suffer from emotional problems such as excessive fear even for small problems, tension, irritability, excessive anger, constant fatigue, loneliness, depression, etc.

In the end, mental illnesses such as anxiety, which can be said to be the next stage of depression, also begin to occur. 

Try to avoid this anxiety as much as possible and keep your mind healthy. Apart from that, it is only by keeping the mind healthy and happy that such diseases can be prevented.*

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