

how to improve eye vision

                 how to improve eye vision

Natural remedies and exercises to improve eyesight

1. Wild Rose Tea

It contains nutrients such as vitamins A, B1, B2, C, K, E, iron, manganese, sodium, and calcium that give flexibility to the muscles when the eyes contract and expand.

2. Coriander leaves

Coriander leaves are very helpful in preventing dust from falling into the eyes, it contain vitamins A, B, C, and E, iron, zinc, lutein, etc.

 3. Carrot

 Carrots contain beta-carotene which the body converts into vitamin A, an important nutrient for eye health. A severe deficiency of vitamin A can cause blindness.

 Vitamin A prevents the formation of cataracts and macular degeneration, the world's leading cause of blindness. Vitamin A and beta-carotene in carrots keep your eyesight stable and improve your vision.

4. Broccoli

Broccoli corrects vision disorders caused by pressure on the eyes due to excessive light falling on the eyes. It is rich in nutrients like Vitamin B, Lutein, and zeaxanthin.

Broccoli is rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, two of the most important nutrients for our eyes because they help prevent retinal oxidation and age-related courses and degeneration.

5. Fish.

Among the fishes, especially Kala fish, and catfish, correct vision problems after aging.

All the nutrients that improve eyesight ie vitamins B, C, and E.

Consuming fatty fish is good for protecting our eyes and keeping them healthy as they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. 

These fatty acids are essential fatty acids containing EPA and DHA and are responsible for the proper drainage of intraocular fluid from the eye. Glaucoma and excessive eye pressure are less likely as a result. In a European study published in 2008, one every week.

 Participants who ate oily fish at least once a week were found to have half the risk of developing macular degeneration compared to those who ate less fish.

6. Avocado 

All the nutrients that improve eyesight ie vitamins B, C, and E. 

Avocado contains lutein and beta-carotene.

Avocados contain the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect the eyes from damage caused by light such as ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun.

 They eliminate or reduce the risk of chronic eye diseases such as cataracts. Additionally, MUFA protects against age-related macular degeneration.

Wash your eyes.

When you wake up in the morning, sprinkle cold water well on your eyes and gently clean your eyes 3-4 times. Fill your mouth with plenty of water and then wash your eyes well with cold water. Due to this the eyes are well-dilated and can be washed completely. 

Then, buy an eye wash cup from an optical shop. Fill this cup with 15 drops of rose water, then fill this cup with clean water and use this cup with your eyes open. 

Lift the head up while holding the cup firmly to prevent the water from spilling out. Inward rolling of the eyelid to each side.

 Apply rose water mixed with water around the eyelids to thoroughly clean the eyes' surface. Leave for a minute, change the water and clean the next eye as before.

 Eye infections, and dust are very helpful in getting rid of particles. Also, it reduces the pressure on the eyes, relieves eye fatigue, and gives good cooling to the eyes.

Give your eyes a rest.

Sip some water every 45 minutes while working. Then rub clean hands and place them over closed eyes. Press on the acupressure points on the hands.**

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