

good reasons why walking is beneficial

                  good reasons why walking is beneficial

Walking helps maintain a healthy body weight and improves mood

          Walking is a simple and popular exercise that can provide a wide range of benefits. Some of the benefits of walking are so amazing that they can instantly make this activity one of your favorites. Here is a list of reasons why you should practice walking daily.

It improves your heart health

Studies suggest that walking for at least 30 minutes or at least 5 days a week can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by 19% (1). And this is just one of the major benefits of regular walking. Walking is also proven to improve your heart rate and lower your blood pressure, and therefore strengthen your cardiovascular system.

A strong cardiovascular system then also helps to improve cholesterol levels and regulate blood pressure. To get more of the benefits of core walking, combine it with cardio or strength-training exercises such as walking lunges, walking knee raises, and walking squats.

It helps burn calories

If you intend to lose weight, you must include walking in your daily habits. By favoring a journey by walking, rather than taking your car, you can burn more than 100 kcal per hour of walking.

 It's much less than training with an Assault runner for example (800 kcal/hour), but it's still less. Over 1 month, 100 kcal per day amounts to 3,000 kcal! Knowing that 100 g of fat equals 900 kcal, this amounts to avoiding taking 330 g of fat more each month, or nearly 4 kilos per year. Limiting your car trips is also ecological and economical!

To measure your calorie expenditure while walking, you can use a smartwatch or a fitness tracker. To get the most out of this benefit of walking, remember to eat a healthy, balanced diet.

It boosts immunity

Walking won't prevent you from catching the flu or a cold, but it may reduce your symptoms. This is, in fact, one of the main health benefits of walking that you should aim for in the winter. Studies (2)suggest that people who engage in cardio exercises such as brisk walking are less likely to suffer from respiratory problems such as cough, runny nose, and sore throat.

So if you want to get rid of coughs and runny noses faster, it's time to include walking in your daily routine. If you can't go far, you can use a treadmill or take a short walk around the neighbourhood.

It helps relieve joint pain

Another amazing benefit of daily walking is the reduction of joint pain, especially in the knees and hips. This is because walking lubricates the joints and strengthens the muscles that support them, which helps reduce pain and improve joint mobility.

This is probably one of the benefits of walking that is nothing short of a blessing for people with osteoarthritis. So if you or someone close to you suffers from joint pain, buy them some walking shoes and start taking walks.

It improves sleep

Walking during the day has a positive impact on your sleep cycle. It promotes rapid and deep sleep. In fact, a simple 20-minute walk at lunch break or a short walk with your dog in the park can be enough to improve your sleep.

So if you thought the benefits of walking were limited to an energy boost, it's time to reconsider and start walking for better sleep.

It promotes a healthy pregnancy

Gynecologists often recommend walking for pregnant women. Why? Well, one of the best benefits of walking is that it reduces the risk of complications during childbirth by strengthening muscles and bones.

Walking also helps maintain a healthy body weight and improves mood. And that's not all. It also helps relieve back pain, which is very annoying for pregnant women.

It tones your legs

This is one of the most obvious benefits of hill walking. This exercise increases blood and lymphatic circulation in the legs and reduces heavy leg problems. Walking increases oxygen supply and thus builds stronger muscles. For athletes, walking is one of the best activities for active recovery!

To gain strength, try walking in a hilly area. You can also include other exercises like cycling, jogging, or running to tone your legs.

It stimulates creativity

Walking is also a great way to clear your mind of clutter and get clearer ideas. This then allows you to think more creatively. A study (3)shows that walking promotes the free flow of ideas and leads to better solutions.

So the next time you feel stuck in a problem, go for a walk in a park. This will not only improve your mood but also help you think more clearly.

It helps you relax your mind

Walking also has morale-boosting benefits that can improve your mood and combat negative thoughts. Indeed, walking improves the production of endorphins (happiness hormone). These “comforting” chemicals can improve your mood and give you energy for the day.

Additionally, the benefits of walking also include reducing anxiety, depression, and stress. It also boosts your self-esteem and makes you happier.

It helps you live longer

If you walk at a brisk pace, you can also extend your healthy lifespan. Yes, you read that right. Research indicates that walking at a moderate pace rather than a slow pace can reduce the risk of age-related death by 20%.

This is due to the fact that you will have a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, better mental wellbeing, and a stronger body.

Tips to keep in mind

Here are some simple tips to improve your walking routine and make it more effective:

Wear suitable shoes that provide good support for your feet.

If you're walking on a sunny day, don't forget sunscreen and a hat.

Try to walk in the morning, as it allows you to enjoy the morning sun and the calm.

Make sure you are hydrated before you start walking.

Find a walking partner to make it a social activity and maintain pleasant relationships.

Always do a simple warm-up before you start walking.

Don't start with a brisk pace right from the start. Try to slowly increase your speed.

Walk at least 30 minutes 5 days a week.


Now that you know the benefits of walking and its advice, it's time to set up a routine. Choose a walking route suited to your physical condition, then gradually take it to the next level. If you want to calculate your progress, use a fitness tracker. It can also encourage you to break your own records and walk regularly.**

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