

how to keep cool in the heat outside

how to keep cool in the heat outside

The heat of the scorching sun comes to mind when summer first arrives. For kids, summer is a time for festivities. Some people go to hilly areas to escape the summer heat. To escape the heat, a lot of people visit parks and beaches that have shade.

How can we battle the summertime illnesses brought on by the heat? how our body regulates heat The sweat glands in the skin become blocked with dirt because when it's hot, the body sweats more. It makes you perspire.

In hot weather, you won't perspire if you bathe twice daily. Apply antiperspirant powder, Kalamin lotion, or sandalwood on the body after a bath. Itchy hives and a rash develop when fungus or fungus enters the urine. Maintaining clean underwear can help prevent fungal infections and promote good hygiene.

When the sun's effect rises, there is increased sweating and a thirst for water. There are symptoms such as headache, nausea, dizziness, and fainting. This relaxation is caused by the loss of body salts due to excessive heat.

Food prepared in the summer rapidly goes bad. They contain more disease-causing germs.  Due to consuming these meals during the summer, many people contract illnesses like vomiting, diarrhea, dysentery, cholera, and jaundice. Food prepared during the summer should be consumed right away. To drink, boil the water. When diarrhea initially starts, powders like "Electral" should be dissolved in water and consumed.

To combat the summer heat and avoid heat illness, drink plenty of water. Drinking 2 liters of water each day is usual. You should consume 3 to 4 liters of fluids per day in the heat. Start limiting or reducing your coffee and tea consumption as directed by your schedule.

Increase your intake of natural drinks like water, buttermilk, panir, fruit juices like mango juice, and lassi rather than commercial soft drinks laden with gas. Lemon juice tastes better when combined with salt or sugar. Watermelon, guava, cucumber, guava, papaya, orange, lime, grape, jackfruit, pineapple, and other fruits and drinks that are high in water content are healthy choices.**

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