

Various causes of eczema

               Various causes of eczema

What makes a person at risk for eczema

What are the triggers of eczema?

  • Household chemicals
  • Sweat or heat
  • Sudden temperature changes
  • Some clothes
  • Other eczemas

The exact cause of eczema is not known, but an overactive immune system may play a role. An overactive immune system usually responds to an unsuspected irritant. Eczema can also be caused by abnormal responses to proteins in the body.

Under normal conditions, the immune system ignores proteins in the human body and only attacks proteins from invaders such as bacteria and viruses. During eczema, the immune system loses its ability to differentiate between natural and foreign substances. This resulted in swelling.

What makes a person at risk for eczema?

Many factors can increase your or your child's experiences with eczema. Asthma and family history are the most common risk factors.

Eczema is more common in children with asthma or hay fever. Eczema is also more common in adults with the condition before the age of 30.

Family members with eczema usually have a higher risk of developing the disease. If family members have asthma, you may be at risk of developing eczema.

What are the triggers of eczema?

Eczema is diagnosed when one or more of the symptoms appear in the skin. This itching is caused by a variety of factors, which is a type of eczema. For example, rashes associated with contact dermatitis can be triggered by smells, and other types of eczema are triggered by the weather. Creative impulses can be different from one person to another.

Household chemicals

Many chemicals in household products, such as detergents and soaps, can trigger skin and muscle symptoms. Products containing fragrances can be dangerous for people who suffer from allergic dermatitis.

Sweat or heat

Increased body temperature and sweating are usually common triggers of eczema. Dry and cool conditions are ideal for eczema sufferers. Warm and humid conditions favor infection because bacteria thrive at high temperatures.

Sudden temperature changes

Moving from a cold building to a warm outdoor room can cause sweating and overheating, causing eczema symptoms to appear. A sudden drop in moisture can cause dry skin. However, another type of eczema, neurodermatitis, is seen only in winter.

Some clothes

Certain types of synthetic fabrics, or rough and scratchy materials such as wool, can cause skin irritation and eczema.

Other eczemas triggers

  • One person's eczema flare-up may be caused by another person. 
  • mental stress
  • Food allergies
  • Animal hair
  • Upper respiratory infection

Proper treatment of your eczema depends on the cause. Watch for symptoms when they appear. This will help reduce inflammation and has the potential to stop the appearance of eczema.**

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